• @[email protected]
    22 hours ago

    Belphegor. My friend used to listen to them in high school a lot when I was just getting into metal, and 10 years later I started giving them a go. Now I’ve been listening to them with some regularity and have some favorite songs, which also show up in my rotation regularly.

  • @[email protected]
    211 hours ago

    Didn’t dislike them as artists, but when The Haunted released The Dead Eye, I hated it. But I kept listening and it became one of my favorites.

  • @[email protected]
    1017 hours ago

    Black metal as a genre. I could not believe that anyone seriously listened to that. It was either random noise or actually scary stuff (I am the black wizards actually scared me for some reason lol). But after enough exposure and playing Freezing moon myself, I actually got to enjoy it to the point where now I listend to black metal 80% of the time.

    In the same vein, “Sons of Winter and Stars” by Wintersun was so unharmonized and terrible to me when I first listened to it, but after a few listens it became one of my favourite songs

  • Chozo
    1117 hours ago

    I couldn’t stand Linkin Park when they were first getting popular. I felt that they were too edgelord-y for me and wrote them off. Now, I wish I had actually given them a shot earlier on.

  • @[email protected]
    1721 hours ago

    I used to hate Miley Cyrus’ music and her personality. Now I’m on board. I still don’t love her, but I don’t mind singing along when her music plays near me and I feel very neutral to even positive about her as a person. As far as child stars go she actually seems surprisingly normal and thoughtful.

  • nocturne
    1522 hours ago

    Ghost. I always wanted to like them, but could not get into their sound. When they won their Grammy in 2015(?) I called a buddy who was huge into them and asked him to curate a playlist for me. I could not do it.

    Then in 2018 I saw them open for Iron Maiden, something about seeing them in person. Papa and the Ghouls had this energy about them. Now they are one of my top listened to bands.

      • nocturne
        420 hours ago

        I really miss all the metal shows I went to back in the early 90s so many bands every weekend.

        • @[email protected]
          36 hours ago

          theres 1 bar left where i am that has live metal bands om a regular basis… good reminder to check their shows its been a year

  • @[email protected]
    619 hours ago

    As a small child in the 1970s-80s, I felt uncomfortable with Queen.

    I think they were just a bit ahead of their time.

  • @[email protected]
    1322 hours ago

    I wasn’t a fan of ’80s pop music when it came out. But now there’s a layer of nostalgia, and the weirdness of that music is now fascinating to me. So I might not actually like it still, but now I appreciate it.

  • SSTF
    22 hours ago

    Obnoxious late 90s-early 2000s over the top stuff like Limp Bizkit. I don’t know what happened. I always hated it until last year and then it just clicked. Please stay back.

  • @[email protected]
    921 hours ago

    Lana del Rey

    I heard her a lot when born to die came out. And even listened full album. And thought “I listened to the same song 15 times” But now a fan, don’t know why.

  • kindenough
    619 hours ago

    Most of the pop music hits I loathed back in the ‘80s as a teenager. Sounds like comfortable nostalgia now and the snobbery I had about what ‘real music’ supposed to be is gone.

  • @[email protected]
    1223 hours ago

    I’m not sure about “enjoy”, but I’ve come to appreciate The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and U2 where I previously couldn’t see the attraction.