Just a mild passing thought and curiosity to mull over
Validation is their way of figuring out that they’re “normal” or a good human being.
- They’re afraid of being an outcast + they’re anxious that they can’t take care of themselves
- They don’t know what is “right”, so they rely on others to tell them that what you’re doing is “right”
Social media crowdsources the feedback that you did this right, you did this wrong, etc
This is so simple but put so well. Seeking validation is a perfectly normal human behaviour we need to normalize. Especially in the west where talking shit behind people’s backs is so normalized nobody ever knows what anyone really thinks of them.
I take it one step further in tangent. Anyone that complains to you about everyone else, is complaining about you when they are talking to anyone else. It is their form of social bonding, or just a lack of any self awareness filter. These types of people are not your friends. They are not bad people, but they can give an impression of comradery that is only an illusion.
Massive agree. If anyone here is one of those whipper snapper youngsters with their iPhones avocados, put down the Fortnite dab and the Ohio rizz because this man speaks da tru-tru and it’ll help you the most in the workday.
Thanks! I’m validated by your response.