An obscure song i like is Library Takeout by MicrOpaqu3.
More info/The story/Background
Thank you for sharing, everyone!
I’m slowly going through the comments and enjoying a variety of good and interesting music!
I dunno if it would be classed as obscure any more seen as it now has over 2m plays, but when I first heard it 4 years ago it was for sure obscure.
I also remember when it was obscure but i keep seeing it pop up as a meme of absurdity, which it is, of course. I think most people don’t realize the level of virtuosity on display.
Been following this band for a while now and every now and again they release a banger.
They never draw huge numbers which doesn’t make sense to me given their songs.
It’s super chill.
Burrito Mojado, the Fabulous Hedgehogs
I don’t know how obscure this is because it was on the Skate 3 soundtrack. However, I’ve never met a person that knew the song, and it’s not on any music streaming services, so I think it’s a little obscure.
Little Scandinavian band called Kashmir, mommy in love, daddy in space
Tythe, Rachel Dradd - The Light
Bo Burnham - Welcome to the Internet
You can thank
meBo later.With 145M views and like thousands of variations I wouldn’t call this obscure. Great song, but not obscure.
Showbread - Mouth Like a Magazine
The band dropped off the map years ago. I barely understand the words, and that’s when I read the lyrics. But from the chorus, I gather that the song is about hypocrisy, and that scratches an itch of yelling at people for being hypocritical
I like a number of songs by Sid Maudlin. However, some years ago she and her music entirely vanished from the internet. From what little information I could find, she retired and tried to erase that part of her past, along with every single one of her songs.
She was super aggressive with DMCA takedowns and would hit just about anything and everything that mentioned her name or her music. But the internet being what it is, it never truly went away. I think she’s either relaxed a bit or given up trying to take everything down.
I’ve always been into freeform radio stations that color outside the lines, college stations like WPRB from Princeton, WFMU from NY/New Jersey, KFJC near the Bay Area, etc., have discovered a ton and a half of stuff that’s way off the beaten path and has caught my ear.
Here’s a good example I picked up around twenty years ago from KFJC, it could have been any one from too many choices to count, but for some reason this was the first song to pop into my mind right now.
If memory serves, I believe it’s a field recording taken in the Sahara Desert, a nomadic people from around Morocco or Tunisia, and can only imagine the magical environment, close my eyes to try and visualize the crisp dry Saharan air at night, a large bonfire, the sky exploding with stars above, and this trance-inducing, mystical chanting.
Transmissor - Janela