Hi, I’m trying to get SCALE to work but I’m so confused by what they mean by PATH and I’m stuck.
I’m at the CMAKE step.
This is the official guide I’m following. I do understand what they mean by SCALE_PATH though as that is clearly explained but PATH is just very vague to me or I’m just misunderstanding it completely.
So I don’t know how much you know about the shell, but the way that the linux command line works is that there are a set of variables, called environment variables, which dictate so me behavior of the shell. For example, $PATH variable, refers to what directories to search through, when you try to execute a program in your shell.
The documentation you linked, wants you to create a custom shell variable, called SCALE_PATH, consisting of a folder path, which contains the compiled binaries/programs of scale you want to run.
This command:
export PATH="${SCALE_PATH}/bin:$PATH"
temporarily edits your PATH variable to add that folder with the scale programs you want to run to your path, enabling you to execute them from your shell.
PATH is a shell variable that defines where stuff can be executed from without writing their absolute path.
So the export PATH command just adds the scale stuff to the path.
Well, I progressed quite a bit and learned a lot more than I knew until now but I give up. This is way over my head, I’ll stick to using ROCM for now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction at least.