The pylorus contracts to slow gastric emptying and results in
further mixing of gastric contents. During this time, the stomach
transforms its contents into multiphase slurry called chyme, which
is a combination of separate phases of aqueous solutions, fats, and
solids. The more intense peristaltic waves promote antral empty-
ing, which allows gastric contents, mainly fluid mixed with small
particles, to pass through the pylorus and enter the duodenum. The
particle size of the food emptied through the pylorus is less than 1
to 2 mm during the fed state (Thomas 2006).
and the Thomas Citation:
Thomas A. 2006. Gut motility, sphincters and reflex control. Anaesthesia Intens Care
Med 7(2):57–8.
I don’t read any conflicts here, in fact it seems the blurb you shared is speaking to normal food particle size that passes though, while the one I shared talks about maximum foreign object size that can pass.
Looks like you typoed the unit of measure. Thats 2 cm, not mm, 10x bigger.
Conflicting Sources
and the Thomas Citation:
Thomas A. 2006. Gut motility, sphincters and reflex control. Anaesthesia Intens Care Med 7(2):57–8.
I think yours is the typo.
I don’t read any conflicts here, in fact it seems the blurb you shared is speaking to normal food particle size that passes though, while the one I shared talks about maximum foreign object size that can pass.