In Simiane-la-Rotonde, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France
Not sure if this is a map from Counter Strike or Uncharted…
Definitely the counter terrorist spawn point.
It’s a VERY iconic map from CS.
Walkable, dense, green, no cars, built from locally sourced materials…
Are urbanists just trying to create French villages?
Most French villages are very car centred.
Not the ones developed before cars were invented, which is likely the case of this one.
Looks like cs_italy
TFW you will never get to live in the magical fairyland called Europe.
I’m pretty sure Europe doesn’t actually exist guys. Sorry… 😔
You can buy a house in that village for like 50k. I’m not kidding. If it’s very pretty and touristy, make it 100k.
I’d still need a visa though.
Me, I won’t, lol. But, yes, our fellow lemmings from the default country will. And, for that they’ll probably need to make a bigger purchase. If France even hands out golden visas at all.
This picture is so French I can smell the baguettes and hear the accordion when looking at it.
They even have a white flag so German tourists feel welcome.
Basic Neanderthal hut