I’ve been unmotivated in the past but i think it’s time to sort out an alternative.
A: they’re betting most people will accept it, and they’re right. The same thing happened in the early 80s when cable television advertised themselves as the pay-for-ad-free service, then started sneaking ads in. People complained, sure, but we all saw the outcome. They got away with it.
B: Greed, capitalism, and fuck you.
A: they’re betting most people will accept it, and they’re right.
Yes. Remember when Netflix put a stop to password sharing and the internet went aflame with people declaring that Netflix had shot itself in the foot? Netflix subscriber counts went up.
The average person will put up with so much more of this nonsense than techie people will.
It’s time to start shaming people who think like this
Hey now, I don’t think like this, but sometimes it’s just not worth the effort to think unlike this.
I’m just as angry as the next guy but I’m not gonna shame my boomer mom for not being able to figure out pirating or how to stream things to her tv. Could barely get her to figure out her tv man.
Boomers are perfectly capable of figuring this stuff out. I mean they managed to figure out and ruin so many other tech related things.
Subscriber counts went down in the affected areas.
But total revenue increased.
I’m saying that it’s false to insinuate subscribers going up due to this change. That’s false. Anything about total revenue is a completely different sentence. And it likely decreased or stayed about the same as the United States is more or less the most expensive reigon.
Perhaps they hid it among a period of growth to fool investors.
Subscribers went down while monthly fees went up.
Ohh right I didn’t account for that.
Exactly. These companies are governed by profits. To expect anything other than greed from them is foolish.
i haven’t had cable, or even a tv, in many years. stayed at a hotel the other day and flicked on the tv because the internet was out (helene), and was flabbergasted that for every 2 minutes of programming, there was at least 5 minutes of the same commercials over and over. people fucking watch this shit? on purpose?
When my wife and I stay at a hotel we watch cable and put on like QVC shopping channels.
It’s fun to overreact and be like “this is 100 genuine silver painted lead.” Some of the channels will have like changing infographics that flash and explode every second as the price keeps dropping so we make wooshing sounds as it keeps falling to a new low.
Ye ol bait and switch
Cable television never advertised that. Cable TV started as a “community antenna” system that served people in valleys with existing off-the-air broadcast channels (which had ads); the existence of those systems created a market for satellite-fed channels like HBO (which was always a separate subscription and ad-free) and TBS/CNN (which always carried ads). Other than the premium channels like HBO/Showtime/Cinemax, cable channels have had ads from the beginning.
Once the small cable systems and the media publishers both got consolidated, we started seeing content licensing deals and higher costs to the subscriber to pay for it - but the channels (MTV, Nickelodeon, etc) always carried ads.
It definitely did. I remember it vividly (I was alive back then). And I’m talking about the premium services, specifically (e: which was the point of my comparison: the premium paid services back then advertised no-ad service, then included ads, just like the premium streaming services are doing today).
Here’s an article from the NYT in 1981 on the topic:
That’s not correct. My parents were early adopters and I remember there were newspaper articles when the first channel started showing ads.
…a newspaper is like a primitive early printed facebook.
Yes and no. Networks had ads but cable began inserting their own ads in addition to the network ads. When I ran a company I did large media buys with cable companies. I would buy ads from the regional cable company which would air in between the national ads of Comedy Central, Discovery, etc.
Point A is covered by the last part of point B
The answer is apathy.
You have to remember that most users simply don’t care. The majority of consumers are some combination of either not technologically savvy or just outright intimidated by technology, are not very well educated, are incredibly reluctant to read, are not particularly observant, will not leave their routines or comfort zones without very significant motivation, and have spent their entire lives being the very frog in that gradually boiling pot of ever more numerous and intrusive advertising to the point that they just accept this as “normal.” They’re busy. They don’t read tech headlines. They don’t understand what’s going on under the hood, and nor do they want to.
Normal people don’t see the world like us nerds do. I am positive that these streaming services (and many other businesses) have studied this and understand it very well. If they lose 1% of their business which was made up by vocal nerds, but whatever odious change the just rolled out results in an increase in profit that is greater than the revenue from those subscriptions lost, they’ll go ahead and do it anyway.
They think they have a captive audience because by and large they functionally do have a captive audience. This stuff works, and people keep paying for it en masse.
I mean, look at Reddit. Huge uproar last year, nothing happened really.
Pretty much every service, platform, app has become worse over the last two or three years. But people keep using them. And not for a lack of alternatives. They are actively hostile against change and many really don’t care. They are so used to being fucked over, squeezed for pennies and bombarded with bullshit ads, that they gave up.
The same thing happens in politics, btw. People just vote whatever - if at all, because they already expected to be fucked over. All those activists you see on TV or online are a tiny minority.
Which is functionally a captive audience.
Their entire survival hinges on keeping investment money flowing, which means they essentially have to lie and over-promise.
A chronic issue plaguing the entire tech and media sector right now. Line must go up no matter the costs.
They don’t care about you. They don’t even want you as a subscriber, you’re a pain in the ass. Most people are too tired and not tech savvy enough to pirate. A lot of those will eventually do something else, too, but they can cram ads into the streams faster than those people can find the wherewithal to leave.
In short, this is profitable, and no amount of raging will make it less so. Take care of yourself, but don’t pretend you’re making line go down.
I’m not saying I’m going to start a revolution. I’m only saying it’s time to break the chain, again.
Statistics. You’re still there and only complaining. I purged all subscription parasites from my life in 2019.
I live by the abstraction, “you can’t fix stupid in anyone else but yourself.” All you can do is tell others what you did with your one wallet vote and hope that others do the same at some critical mass.
They do it because you’re still there, and you care while they do not. You want to think you’re human. You’re not. You’re a new deck chair on a yacht if you’re lucky. Most likely, you’re no more than a liter or few of diesel.
Because most people aren’t going to ditch them regardless of how many ads they put, and that’s good enough for them.
Pirates life for me
Because netflix tested it and it was worth it for them. The increased revenue from ads more than made up the subscription fees of users lost.
What in turn is short sighted. A new age of Piracy is on the rise my friends… time to sail again.
Because of the people they loose due to the price hike, more will stay for the new price.
It’s always about the 💰💰💰they’re getting.
Already lots of great answers, but I’ll add a note about intentional barriers to exit.
Many services tend to make it easy to sign up and comparably more difficult to quit. So while people always can leave and take their business elsewhere, they might not have the motivation to do it. I imagine each additional click in a form deters more and more people. OP mentioned being unmotivated, and these barriers play into that.
It’s like wandering around in Ikea. You could use a map and chart out the fastest route to find what you need and get out. But it’s so much easier to follow the little path they draw out on the floor and look at everything, which makes you way more likely to impulsively buy something extra.
The economy is in a weird spot where data looks alright (employment and gdp) but the covid economy hit everyone including your friendly neighborhood corporation. Ads are a simple and reliable way to turn up profits in a soft economy and declining global situation and inflation. Since companies have effectively stolen wages for so many years they can’t cope with modest wage spike on their bottom line or really any disruption anywhere in their business they use ads to print money. Maybe as time goes on business will benefit from slowing wage growth and increasing automation we will see ad growth scale back. Regulation would be nice but what are you going to do?
Because they know most people are too lazy, too addicted, too lacking in tech for any other solution, so they’ll take the abuse.
They’re sure you will, or some will, but the number of customers they lose will be offset by the revenue gained.
Since that’s the only metric they really care about at the end of the day it makes “sense” to them to do it.
You are a statistic. The question isn’t do you exist but how many of you exist. When there is enough money to be made by serving people like you with fewer ads someone will do it. Until then though you are not worth the money it costs too keep you so good riddance.
of course the above is why some demographics don’t watch much tv. They somewhat care but not enough to serve those demographict.
may I suggest you take up tatting, mandolin, welding, bike riding… there are a long list of other things you can do with your time either on a theme/variation from above or not mentioned. These are all hobbies and you can find some to fill all that time you free o up.