• Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    I’m a bit confused as to what this PR blitz and marketing video are in service of. They don’t have a new game out, and I imagine that a new game wouldn’t be out for at least 2 years.

    Is this an attempt to dangle yet another carrot in front of the Xbox install base? “Keep investing in Xbox hardware, because at some point, we’re going to have lots of first party games.”

    • MeaanBeaan@lemmy.world
      20 days ago

      It honestly feels more like an appeal to talent to me. Especially to creative talent. This is an “hey we’re not so focused on technology anymore, we’re gonna be more focused on making good games. Come work for us and make something cool!” Kind of PR statement.

      In my mind they’re trying to attract community members and modders that make fan projects to come work for them.

      Immediately made me think about that UE5 fan game that’s being worked on. It’s like a spooky flood game or something? Looked kinda cool.

      They might be trying to get the people making projects like that.

      i.e. they’ll overscope because all the engine people that know what they were capable of doing are gone. Theyll then make a game with seemingly good ideas thats buggy, non-performant, and almost certainly unfinished. They’ll then shovel that thing into the ever more slowly burning furnace of Gamepass for us Halo fans to meekly huddle around while we slowly freeze to death.