After seeing people use the @jetbrains UI to commit to git I understand where all those - sorry: shitty - commit messages come from…


An improvement would already be to have a “Subject” line and the text box.

And have the subject line follow the Beams Rule.

Sonthat the first line of the commit message finishes the sentence

“When this commit is applied it will…”

And please: No longer than 56(?) characters (Unicode). Keep it short. You got the textbox to explain *why* in full length.

  • Alerta! Alerta!@phpc.socialOP
    18 hours ago

    @BatmanAoD Besides that a git log and a changelog have different target audiences.

    The gitlog is intended for contributors of the project whereas the chamgelog is intended for users of the project.

    And it helps the users if they get a summarized version of what changed for them.without having to.go.theough each commit amd decide for themselves whether and how that internal change affects the exteenal API and then their usage of it.