Scoob is a little slow
Scoob won’t leave shaggy behind.
Shaggy can also consume a Dagwood that’s twice the size of his own head in a single bite. He’s not human. He’s a cryptid.
Shaggy ate the guy from Blondie?
In the 2002 live action Scooby-Doo, Shaggy breaks out into dance to try and maintain his disguise. He really gets into it and gives it his full power, which is unfortunate for the guy who tries to sneak up behind him to take Shaggy down. Shaggy never even acknowledges that he noticed the man, just the sheer power of his dance moves are enough to destroy the poor man by accident.
Well he did run track as well as being a gymnast
fear is the ultimate accelerator
Why do you think Olympic athletes aren’t allowed to smoke weed. This is proof that cannabis is a performance enhancing drug.