It still amazes me, when I read these child free articles from across the pond, that the world can be so completely different.
In Sweden a working parent is allowed to stay home to take care of a sick child and get almost 80% of your salary from compensation, statistics from 2022 says that men use 40% of that sick child leave.
It’s not 50/50 yet and we still have some “old school” husbands saying they’re baby sitting when taking care of their own kids. They are usually shamed about it nowadays though.
When my wife and I are in high energy and do lots of fun stuff we say “Thank goodness we don’t have kids, this would’ve been impossible!”, when we are tired, sleeping in and spend a weekend doing the absolute minimum we say the same.
I grew up in a huge family, and know very well the costs of parenting in terms of time, energy, and money.
And I’m childless and unmarried because I love my peace, quiet, and having (most) of my money. My parents, thanks to that choice, are forced to live off working for DoorDash and begging their kids for help.
It still amazes me, when I read these child free articles from across the pond, that the world can be so completely different.
In Sweden a working parent is allowed to stay home to take care of a sick child and get almost 80% of your salary from compensation, statistics from 2022 says that men use 40% of that sick child leave.
It’s not 50/50 yet and we still have some “old school” husbands saying they’re baby sitting when taking care of their own kids. They are usually shamed about it nowadays though.
When my wife and I are in high energy and do lots of fun stuff we say “Thank goodness we don’t have kids, this would’ve been impossible!”, when we are tired, sleeping in and spend a weekend doing the absolute minimum we say the same.
I grew up in a huge family, and know very well the costs of parenting in terms of time, energy, and money.
And I’m childless and unmarried because I love my peace, quiet, and having (most) of my money. My parents, thanks to that choice, are forced to live off working for DoorDash and begging their kids for help.