Pre-1.0 I had aluminum factories that took the waste water from aluminum scrap and fed it back to the alumina solution refineries. However, in my new 1.0 world I can’t seem to get it to flow correctly.

I’ve tried several solutions, including:

  • putting the waste water lower in the junction than the fresh water
  • adding a valve to the waste water to prevent backflow
  • adding a valve to the waste water to only supply the amount not provided by the fresh water

The only think I have not done yet is decrease the water extractor rates, mostly because I don’t recall having to do that before when I used a valve.

Any tips? Anyone else had success in 1.0

    5 months ago

    You aren’t being dumb like my friend and I did where we tried to push 360 water through a mk1 pipe?
    Took us far too long to realise our mistake.