In the hours following former President Donald Trump’s election victory, Google searches related to 4B — a fringe South Korean feminist movement that made a name for itself in the mid to late 2010s — surged in the United States.

    4 months ago

    Yeah and the Right Stuff doesn’t have any women. So it didn’t work out for them.

    Yes, men will double down on abuse regardless of what women do, which is what I’ve actually been telling you repeatedly. Men will be abusive no matter what. Women denying or granting sex will not make men more or less conservative. I stated that repeatedly to you. I never said denying men sex will make them progressive and the point of the movement isn’t to manipulate men’s bodies, it’s to assert the rights to ours.

    I get conservative men asking me all the time to be seen. Since 2020, it has been my explicit policy I will not see them. They cannot even pay me. Many many other women are doing the same. There is such a huge global market for US sex workers (which competes with Russian SW and thus espionage btw) that women in the US are getting some capital. Kim Kardashian is a good example.

    You are a gender narcissist/fascist and misogynist. That makes you rightwing on topics relating to gender. Which is also why you are sex work phobic and refuse to see the importance of it.

    There’s a reason the songs at strip clubs are reliable market indicators. There’s a reason activity at strip clubs directly correlates to dips in the stock market. And there are spies on payroll in many clubs across the world.