The perils of public bus knitting.
LOTS of bus travel for me today, so naturally I brought my sock project. Forgot I needed to frog the start of sock two and cast on again though. In public. Uhoh, pressure.
Well it is my pleasure to inform you that this morning I successfully remembered how to do a figure 8 cast on without looking up the instructions, for the first time ever 😎
I guess hardship leads to success, or something.
I confess that I stick a point protector/cap on any free end of a DPN.
It means moving caps around and pulling the caps in and out of my little handy zip bag (where stitch markers, yarn needles and my emergency save-the-day crochet hook also live). But it saves a lot of internal swearing. I’m so used to it that by now when I don’t have the right gauge needles for a small project, I’ll just use a pair of DPN with caps stuck on the free ends.
For public transit, I eventually settled on afghan crochet mostly. Little can go wrong. One does get odd looks as few people know what to make of the long hooks or the technique.