• Foni@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    I see people praising the film, I must have fallen asleep too and dreamed things like:

    The man who made the maps getting lost (well, he had a weird hairstyle and screamed like a madman when he entered, it seems that he was not a very serious man, it is clear that they chose him for the most expensive and important mission in history because… who knows)

    The biologist who panics and flees two frames later takes off his glove (!!!) and tries to touch a clearly threatening snake with his bare hand, it has been a long time since I saw such a satisfying death.

    A strange liquid about which nothing is explained but which, depending on the scriptwriter’s convenience, kills instantly, turns you into a zombie, turns you into a zombie but with a delay so that you can screw your girlfriend and she has some kind of proto-alien.

    Ancient cultures painted the constellation of that planet, how did they know it? Why did they paint it? It’s supposed to be a military base for the architects, not their home planet, painting the address to a random military base from their culture makes zero sense.

    The movie is full of religious references that lead to nothing, they cross half the galaxy and just arrive on Christmas day, what a convenient convenience that leads the viewer nowhere.

    … … …

    Of course, the scriptwriter is Damon Lindelof, so it’s obvious that all the inconsistencies of the script simply lack a coherent answer.

    Enjoy it if you can because this movie only manages to piss me off every time I try to watch it.

    • Enkrod@feddit.org
      4 months ago

      Thank you!

      Dear writers, if you need stupid characters, don’t make them scientists acting stupid in their own field of expertise!

      If you need your charachters to be scientists, don’t make them act stupid in their own field of expertise!

      You can always have the geologist touch alien biology with bare hands or have the biologist get lost in the cave, but not the other way around!! (I mean you still shouldn’t, they are scientists after all, but it’s the easier pill to swallow)

      This entire movie was a big pile of garbage and demystifying the xenomorphs did not help the franchise at all. The numbers for covenant weren’t bad (just) because covenant was bad, they were bad because prometheus completely killed any drive to sit through a sequel.

      Hollywood needs to stop killing franchises with horrible writing, don’t buy and kill a franchise for quick profit, improve it, expand it. Invest in good writing and less people will notice the audacious lack of creativity in creating something new.

    • superkret@feddit.org
      4 months ago

      The biologist’s and the geologist’s behavior is realistic, though.
      Source: I’m a geo-ecologist, I’m working with both.

      Biologists in sight of a new species will completely forget all their surroundings and drop into a state of child-like wonder.
      The geologist was probably drunk.

    • xyzzy@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      Regarding the religious references, Scott’s intention was evidently that the architects created mankind, Jesus was an Engineer sent to course correct our development, and then when he was crucified, the Engineers decided mankind was a mistake. The script states that they decided to wipe us out about two thousand years ago. He revealed his intention in an interview in 2012 after some people had connected the dots (as I did while watching it in the theater).

      The earlier scripts were much more full of religious references, to the point where the Engineer at the beginning is given the black goo in a consecrated ceremony that started with “this is the blood of our Lord.”

      Honestly, the movie never really worked in any iteration, and was always a bizarre direction to take a space horror franchise.