• SmokeyDope@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Hey @remotelove thanks for sharing your experience its good to know we aren’t alone in the struggle. I dont have any friends who play the game so is nice to talk about it with someone of similar experience level. Would you by chance be down for a multiplayer sesh?

    Oh yeah, once you get the tank everything changes. Prepare to spend the next few hours enjoying your toy of war. It turns out the entire continent is your factory, it just needed some pesticide advanced diplomacy tactics.

    While learning the driving and firing timings explosive shells were easier and thus more effective. But once you master the controls and increase firing speed the regular shells are where its at.

    *look for choke points and seal them off with walls and turrets or the bugs come back. natural cliff formations are impassable walls AFAIK.

    *radars at every wall choke point and outpost. The more of your map can be actively seen and charted the better. Spread em out too.

    *in your quest for endless red circuits you’ll probably find plastic to be your biggest production choke point. With your new continent cleared find a second oil field and a very large flat place preferably surrounded by trees for your new oil refining field.

    *green module mk2 is op and should be stuffed into everything that consumes a ton of power or creates a lot of pollution. Hit alt while on your map to see the clouds of red pollution. Mining drills, electric furnaces, pump stacks, oil refineries. Usually two greens is enough to get max benefit. Removing all the bugs and walling off the entire continent is a huge endeavor, in the meantime making them almost passive is a great stopgap solutoo.