Jacksonville’s sheriff says a white gunman who killed three people at a Dollar General store was racially motivated and hated Black people

  • @[email protected]
    1110 months ago

    I’m American but live outside of America with my wife who is not American. We live a really good life where we are. We are not millionaires, but we are not paycheck to paycheck either.

    People always wonder why we don’t want to live in America. Although they kind of stopped asking as much the past few years.

  • @railsdev
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

      • @railsdev
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • wrath-sedan
      410 months ago

      Different orgs use different style guides as some have already said. In almost all Black is capitalized, whereas white is rarely capitalized but you still see it occasionally.

      I’m torn on white/White personally. The reason given by most is that it falls in line with white supremacist rhetoric, and generally has been capitalized exclusively in that context. Totally valid argument to not use it for that reason.

      On the other hand I think leaving it lowercase risks making it an assumed default state, or makes it so that white people think of “racial” issues as something that does not include them. Plus allowing white supremacists to decide what is or isn’t whiteness and how we talk about it I think is a bad idea…

      More from the AP blog here on their use of Black/white.

      • Eavolution
        410 months ago

        Personally I think the only thing that makes sense is consistency, either White/Black or white/black, that way everyone’s equal. To me it doesn’t matter which, so long as it’s consistent.

      • @railsdev
        8 months ago

        deleted by creator

  • Very_Bad_Janet
    610 months ago

    The shooting happened one day before the 63rd anniversary of one of Jacksonville’s most notorious racist incidents, “Ax Handle Saturday.” A group of Black protesters were conducting a peaceful sit-in at a city park to protest the Jim Crow laws that kept them out of white-owned stores and restaurants. That’s when they were attacked by 200 members of the Ku Klux Klan, who hit them with bats and ax handles as police stood by.

    Only when members of a Black street gang arrived to fight the Klansmen did the police intercede. Only Black people were arrested.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Interesting that Meatball’s remarks only denounce the fact that the shooter killed himself. He didn’t mention anything about the innocent victims of this senseless violence. What a loser.