My third blog post. I added variation in the tense of the generated text as well as another possible action for the character.

  • ecstatic_chance@mander.xyzOP
    1 month ago

    A set of different methods would warrant assignment to a different class. So far no character traits warrant that. What is the alternative to interface-esque classes? If you could provide a dummy code example that would be great. What would make the API solid? Thank you for all the suggestions.

    • 0101100101
      1 month ago

      Why not have one class that has a level for each trait, which are scored 0-100, 0-10 etc. so… self.luck = 7.3 self.anger = 4.0 and so on. And then there’s one method that determines the action. That’s going to be so much easier to maintain, extend, and work with.

      class CharacterTraits:
        def __init__(self, luck, anger, magic, ...):
          self.luck = luck
          self.anger = anger
          # and so on
          # maybe keep a list of previous actions which could inform the next action state
          self.history = []
        def get_action(self):
          # do whatever to decide action
          action = ...
          # then add it to history
          return action

      and then the calling code determines what’s output to the screen. So, internally, the class is just responsible for one thing - hte business logic. Maybe another class Game could be responsible for outputting the strings, taking user input etc. If the UI were to change at a later date, the CharacterTraits class stays the same, but only the Game class would need to be modified. Instead of - as I understand it - all the classes currently would have to be updated (a maintenance nightmare!)

      I only had a really quick look down the code so I may be missing the point entirely, but that’s the direction I would go down.

      EDIT: the get_action method could take in some args, like opponent_traits or some kind of situation, maybe even add additional methods like is_lucky to return a bool as to whether a situation that requires luck has been successful or not. Another method could be has_won_fight(opponent_traits) and the method compares strength, luck, magic whatever, to the opponent to decide whether the character has won. And so on. By keeping it simple like this, it’s a lot easier to work with!