Major conventions:

  • Worldcon 3 Denvention Guest of Honor speech – 1941
  • Worldcon 19 SeaCon Guest of Honor Speech – 1961
  • Rio de Janeiro Movie Festival Guest of Honor – 1969
  • Worldcon 34 MidAmerica Con Guest of Honor speech – 1976

All of the Guest of Honor Speeches are published in the Requiem collection edited by Dr. Yoji Kondo, as well as in the Requiem volume of the Virginia Edition.

In addition, Heinlein was guest of honor at a number of smaller conventions for which his remarks were often not preserved. In 1976 and 1977 he accepted many such offers as part of his campaign to recruit new blood donors, but when his health deteriorated in 1977 he was forced to cease the practice.

Photo, Robert Heinlein at MidAmericon 1976