Mine was about 24 hours ago (yes I haven’t sleept for a while) when in the dream, I was taking a train for some reason, and then everyone around me suddenly became zombies. Creepy.

My other dream was less weird, just my electronics started dying, then I looked outside my window and a nuke was going off in the distance and I realize my electronics got killed by the EMP of the nuke, then I woke up right before the shockwaves hit.

What are your weird dreams?

  • Monster@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I remember a very vivid dream I had about…i wanna say aliens. This was when I was living in another city for University. In my dream, I was back home near a grocery store and there was a crowd of people gathered around some strange, black goop on a powerline that was moving. Then, more kept falling from the sky. The sky turned a dark, brownish colour and suddenly strange buildings started to randomly appear all over the town. Pyramids replaced buildings, sandstone structures appeared all over. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was replaced by what looked like humungous sandstone slabs. Like a stone floor. There were large holes in this ceiling that showed that these slabs were large pillars hanging down from something but I couldn’t see since it was shrouded in darkness. Then, after exploring one of these pyramids that strangely looked like layout of the store it replaced, I remember walking out and seeing the sky then replaced by what looked like the surface of different planets. But, it looked like these planets were merged with each other, like they were phasing in and out of existence. I saw lights in the sky, like planes or something, flying around. Then, before I woke up, I remember hearing someone say “You’re quarantined to this planet, but your neighbors are free to come and go as they please.”

    A strange but very awesome dream.