Mine was about 24 hours ago (yes I haven’t sleept for a while) when in the dream, I was taking a train for some reason, and then everyone around me suddenly became zombies. Creepy.

My other dream was less weird, just my electronics started dying, then I looked outside my window and a nuke was going off in the distance and I realize my electronics got killed by the EMP of the nuke, then I woke up right before the shockwaves hit.

What are your weird dreams?

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I have the distinct memory of freezing to death as a child. I remember playing in the snow unsupervised, building a tall clyandrical fort, climbing in from above and not being able to get out. I remember clawing until my hands couldn’t be felt anymore and crying and screaming for help . Nobody came. Eventually I collapsed from exposure and thats where the memory ends. I want to think its just a bad dream but its unlike any other childhood nightmare with boogeymen or fever dreams. It was just too real for a toddlers imagination.