CNN webpage with a photo and text saying “We have a photo showing the suspect’s unmasked face. How has no one recognized him and come forward to police?”

    4 months ago

    i’d highly advise against doing that if it ever happens to you, especially with a high profile case like this one.

    chances are someone will be found, arrested, and tried for this, it’d be an incredibly bad look for the police to shrug and say “we don’t know” - will it be the person who actually killed that CEO, or will it be a scapegoat who just had the misfortune of looking like him and nobody could confirm their alibi of “i was at alone at home watching movies”? Interrogations can last a long time, the longer one lasts the more likely a false confession is to happen because the person just wants the questioning to end, not to even mention the multitude of techniques used by interrogators to get into your head

    yes, contact a lawyer immediately, just in case, but don’t go around announcing “this is me in the photo but i didn’t do it pinky promise, i was watching movies that night haha, no sorry i don’t have a habit of telling everyone i’m going to be watching movies, no none of my neighbours saw me that night i was alone”

      4 months ago

      Never talk to the police especially if you are in a room being Interogated, if they keep you there even though you aren’t talking it means they don’t have much

      Never ever ever agree to go downtown to answer questions

      Even if you are 100% innocent even if you want to help even if you have helpful info never ever ever talk to the police ever under zero circumstances ever

      Anything you say CAN AND WILL be used against you and even if you tell them helpful things nothing the police say can ever be used to help your case because it will be here say and inadmissible