im 29 yo. recently lose my job, and thinking about use some of my saving money to school for programming, for the sake of not being homeless, but idk consider of my age, will it helps me in the future to survive if i have a degree on programming.

pardon my english

  • FizzyOrange
    3 months ago

    Have a go on your free time and see if you like it. There is an absolute ton of free learning material online. You don’t need to pay anyone.

    Most programming jobs (e.g. making web sites) are easy enough for the average person to do, but I think most people would find programming far too tedious and boring to learn.

    It’s like law - there’s nothing particularly difficult about it but most people find it incredibly mind numbing to read legal documents.

    So I would have a go in your free time first to make sure it is something you could do.