Why do people spend money (and quite a lot of it) for devices that have less functionality than a smartphone?

  • Tablet is just a bigger screen, but not same power like a laptop.

  • Smartwatch is just tracking device that sends even more of your personal data.

And BOTH are another battery that you have to worry about.

  • stewie410
    4 months ago

    My partner is a mechanic and is often underneath a vehicle when a notification comes through; so for him, the watch acts like an extension of his phone that he doesn’t have to worry about falling out of his pocket.

    And while he does have to worry about damaging the watch, this would still be true if it was a phone in his pocket; but would just be more surface area to get knocked into things.

    Personally, I work at a desk all day; so outside of a few phone calls a month, I probably don’t even need a phone…