Submit Nominations Here

I hope everybody is having a great week! I just wanted to put out a reminder that the nomination window for the year-end awards is closing soon (roughly end of Sunday USTZ).

I wrote a lot about the awards already here in case you are wondering what the hell they are. Feel free to ask any additional questions on this post as well. There are sister awards that are also open for nominations:

Finally, just want to thank @[email protected] for generating the image I used for this post (as well as just thanking them in general).

  • wjs018@ani.socialOPM
    3 months ago

    Yeah, not everybody watches all the genres. So, I made sure that leaving things blank is allowed and isn’t punished.

    The same will be true for the voting round. People are free to simply not vote for categories that they are not familiar with the genre or the nominees.