Oh wow. You got me champ. You found a font in the world.
Now tell me this. When was the last time you saw someone use cursive fonts? Read any papers lately with cursive font? Any articles using the font? Anything at all?
Nope. Didn’t think so.
I learned cursive and school and it’s still harder to read than print. Is it impossible? No. But it’s definitely not the same as reading print. It doesn’t take a genius to understand this.
I didn’t know what rock you’ve been hiding under, but you’re wrong.
5,183 Free Cursive Fonts
Oh wow. You got me champ. You found a font in the world.
Now tell me this. When was the last time you saw someone use cursive fonts? Read any papers lately with cursive font? Any articles using the font? Anything at all?
Nope. Didn’t think so.
I learned cursive and school and it’s still harder to read than print. Is it impossible? No. But it’s definitely not the same as reading print. It doesn’t take a genius to understand this.