• Piecemakers@lemmy.world
      1 year ago
      1. Braking suddenly is a shit plan for control of your own vehicle.

      2. Idiots will continue to be idiots, and you should expect them to do something equally asinine right after that, if not more so. (eg. Braking suddenly after cutting you off)

      3. Is it OP? Regardless, the driver in the rear car was smart enough to slow down effectively and steer toward the median (away from traffic, risk of rear collisions) — may’ve also been trained re: axle maneuvers as an exploitable point on other vehicles at speed.

      4. Slowing down as a knee-jerk reaction doesn’t solve the issue of other drivers acting like self-absorbed asshats, and might actually increase the risk to your own self.

      source: pro driver in metro area for a number of years — prior to Uber, et al.