I’ve been coding for years in a multitude of languages, but other than one c class I had in college I mostly learned through osmosis, or learned new things as they were needed.

So my knowledge is honestly all over the place and with a ton of gaps.

I’m trying to learn rust and starting going through The Rust Book and afterwards I plan on going on Rust by Example and trying to code my stuff as strictly following best practices as possible.

Is that a waste of time? I mean rawdogging it has been working for me for a decade now. Should I just yolo and write what I wanna write in Rust and learn as I go?

  • TheV2
    2 months ago

    If we’re talking about programming language guides in particular, following a guided introduction to a new language was helpful to me, when I was introduced to new concepts and perspectives. And Rust is the best example in my case. Personally I probably would’ve struggled more and longer in practice without learning about ownership, lifetimes and borrowing in theory first, because it’s an essential part of almost anything, even strings, and yet it’s not too difficult to understand in theory.

    But at the end of the day, you can start rawdogging it and use the Rust book or any other guide, when you’re facing a roadblock. If you do so, please share your experience.