Do you know a long song that doesn’t repeat itself and sort of tells a story through music (maybe without words)?

    6 days ago

    I figured there’d be plenty of mentions of Rush’s 2112, but they have a lot of other songs that fit the bill too. The Necromancer, Fountain of Lamneth, Xanadu, Natural Science (well I guess that’s more of a rant than a story), Cygnes X-1 books 1 and 2. Since you say maybe without words, La Villa Strangiato.

    If you want to stick to classic prog then Yes has some songs that fit the bill too like America and Harold Land. I confess to not really understanding the lyrics of most of the rest of Yes’s discography, they can be really poetic, but I think the whole Closer to the Edge album fits on it’s musicality alone. The title track’s a freaking journey.

    Led Zeppelin has a few of these too, though musically they are a little repetitive. Achilles Last Stand, Battle of Evermore, Gallows Pole.