Just a sampling. Almost the whole feed was here’s a broken water main, I need a free housecleaner or CNA, here’s my lawn mowing service, and then these types of posts…
Just a sampling. Almost the whole feed was here’s a broken water main, I need a free housecleaner or CNA, here’s my lawn mowing service, and then these types of posts…
In my neck of the woods we also get these classics:
Post from Jennifer DiGiacomo Cacciatore, CRS ABR SFR: “GUNSHOTS LAST NIGHT???”
“Last night I heard GUNSHOTS!!! Who else heard GUNSHOTS!!! I can’t believe someone would be commiting such acts of violence within a day of (the Fourth of July / Memorial Day / Veterans Day / New Year’s)!!! It sounded like several loud booming sounds, each accompanied by red flashes, followed by a sizzle. Is that some kind of tactical assault gun???”
Post from Andre Garcia: “Young male thug casing neighborhood???”
“Two days now I have seen a young male between 5’8” and 6’4" walking down MY street, dressed like a thug in a HOODED sweatshirt, red shorts, and JORDANS! I couldn’t see his face but I could see from his ashy legs that he is one of those. What business would he have bringing his negroid behaviors here? I live in this neighborhood because I can pass, nobody’s mentioned ICE to me in years. Has anyone else seen this criminal?? We need to get him locked up!!"