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I don’t care if palworld wins. I just want Nintendo to lose
I don’t think I will buy another Nintendo console ever (unless they turn around) and will only buy 2nd hand games so Nintendo doesn’t get any money.
The sad thing is that Nintendo does make very good games and some of the only great party games left with a low skill entry level
The only way there is emulation. Sure, you won’t get to use the cool features of their hardware, and you might get to play a buggy game a year after release, but you are not supporting a shifty company - and that counts.
What “cool features” does Nintendo do anymore? The big draw of the switch was that it’s portable, and there’s dozens of handheld PC’s to compete there. Then there’s the motion control, which wasn’t great in the long run and can also be done by emulators with a variety of controllers supporting it
Especially detachable controllers and their games supporting them. You can have two per player in a 4 player game, or 8 where each holds one. I quite liked the feature and found it novel. I am not sure if you can do the same using emulators - or at least do it as seamlessly.
You could just have extra regular controllers. That was always an option. And with the price of Joycons it wouldn’t be much more costly
yup. we use Xbox controllers with our hacked switch
Heey, I have been doing the same. Sick of all of the manufacurers to be fair. I mostly buy the games seocnd hand too because publishers suck, last ones I supported were IOI and if they push always on internet connection in the 007 game I will pirate it.
Big daddy N will never loose sadly.
two O’s is loose. as in not tight.
one O is lose. as in “you will lose”
This one‘s been spreading quite rapidly in the past few years. I wonder what happened.
People going fast and lose the rules of grammar
this comment went unappreciated but I laughed
I’ve seen it on Reddit for the past 10 years, I think Americans can’t spell
At first I get annoyed at people confusing the two, but I remember there’s a lot of non native English speakers. And it’s words like this that make it such a hard language to figure out.
Yup. Exactly this. Users forgetting (again) there’s a world outside the US.
I’m the one who corrected them. I’m an american. quit being weird about americans for no reason.
As an American you’re right. Hell, a lot of Americans can’t even speak. I now a lot of engineers that pronounce “height” as “heighth”
Even if they win the lawsuit the message has been sent. Any double A or triple A company can make a descent quality ripoff and get lots of money. Bonus points if they’re somewhere safe from Big N’s lawyers
ripoff of what, Ark? Rust?
This update added a lot of new stuff to the game not counting the new really big island. Human bosses, an “arrogant pal tamer” that wants to see specific pals, a NPC that asks you to do specific emotes and one hidden npc that gave me a book that increases 1 work thingy by 1 (got one for handywork, the game crashed, then got one for planting, so there’s possibly one for each work)
My biggest gripe at the moment is with predator pals, which don’t always spawn where they’re supposed to (fixed locations, unmarked on the map) but drop predator cores, which are needed for the inventory expansion, as well as giant pal souls.It also added some high QoL chests: one that lets you check ALL the chests in the base and the Guild Chest, which acts as a shared base chest. Another super useful building is the skill fruit farm: plant one, get 3 of the same skill.
The new island starts with several anti-air missile places, but at least it seems you only need to disable them once. Whether the missiles will go through walls or rocks and kill your flyer seems to be random chance, but it at least tries to be physical projectiles.
Did they add any additional “sexy” “pals”? Asking because I don’t want to see them swarm my base.
While the devs may not have, modders 1000% did.
I’m fine with that. Pervs gonna perv.
Depends entirely on what you find “sexy”
I’m thinking specifically of the pink monstrosity
Yes! Creepy model. Gave me the willies
You sure it’s not even just a tiny bit of attraction??
I mean I’m way more a Rayhound guy myself, but…
Played a fair amount of this at launch, but will probably wait until 1.0 to go back. I’m assuming it’s a lot less buggy now?
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