Not just the richest send their kids to private schools. My kids went there, and I’m far from rich. But it was our choice to send them there, and at the same time, I support eliminating the VAT exemption. One motivation that drives middle-class parents to send their kids to private schools is to help them queue-jump when applying for university. But from a broader perspective, teaching to optimise exam scores is not the same thing as education, and hothouse flowers are not robust.
Defunding the education rat race is a good thing in the long run. Having a two-tier system just reinforces inequality.
Kids plural - taking the average private school fees today at £18k/pupil and assuming there’s at least 2 gives £36k/year, if you can afford that on top of living expenses you’re better off than most.
Not just the richest send their kids to private schools. My kids went there, and I’m far from rich. But it was our choice to send them there, and at the same time, I support eliminating the VAT exemption. One motivation that drives middle-class parents to send their kids to private schools is to help them queue-jump when applying for university. But from a broader perspective, teaching to optimise exam scores is not the same thing as education, and hothouse flowers are not robust.
Defunding the education rat race is a good thing in the long run. Having a two-tier system just reinforces inequality.
Kids plural - taking the average private school fees today at £18k/pupil and assuming there’s at least 2 gives £36k/year, if you can afford that on top of living expenses you’re better off than most.