One of my weirder hobbies is trying to convince people that the idea that companies are listening to you through your phone’s microphone and serving you targeted ads is a …
While I agree Apple isn’t the first company we would expect to do this, it’s a good conversation to have given the opaque legalese in most of the terms and conditions we agree to. Cox Media Group told their advertisers they had this ability, and whether or not that was a lie given the dubious legality it demonstrates the intent is there, and should be guarded against.
While I agree Apple isn’t the first company we would expect to do this, it’s a good conversation to have given the opaque legalese in most of the terms and conditions we agree to. Cox Media Group told their advertisers they had this ability, and whether or not that was a lie given the dubious legality it demonstrates the intent is there, and should be guarded against.