I’m sure many of you have seen this image floating around online at some point.
It seems a rather neat idea, though I’d be worried about any sort of accident, or even potential fight, ripping that piercing right out.
But, what if the lenses attached with magnets instead?..
I was wondering why there’s nose pads; but looking closer I think there’s a pin sticking out of each lense that gets inserted into the implanted nose bridge making a hinge of sorts. (instead of a screw) The lenses are held firmly in two axis; but can rotate up/down to rest on the nose pads, while being removable.
I’d be worried about bumping/catching them on anything and ripping that piercing/implant out too, but I don’t think magnets would be strong enough to stop them moving around with any sort of g-forces.
As someone who sleeps face down quite a bit, I’d never try this. It would definitely drive me nuts just trying sleep with that bridge in, plus it would get snagged on bedding/clothes/towels/etc.
Oh no, to me this is only a hypothetical idea. I’d never sleep with such a piercing thingy either.
But you do get the almost neat idea of daily wear right?
Hell I dunno…