Akshully, there are more levels below the machine code, with the mind-boggling complexity of modern CPUs and SoCs - but that doesn’t diminish the value of understanding it.
That’s why I said “modern.” You know exactly what’s happening on a MOS 6502, for example, but when your top-of-the-line ARM SoC starts throwing bus faults because a CRC function returned a value that looked like a pointer to restricted SRAM …
Akshully, there are more levels below the machine code, with the mind-boggling complexity of modern CPUs and SoCs - but that doesn’t diminish the value of understanding it.
Depends on what CPU is getting used but it’s really fascinating.
That’s why I said “modern.” You know exactly what’s happening on a MOS 6502, for example, but when your top-of-the-line ARM SoC starts throwing bus faults because a CRC function returned a value that looked like a pointer to restricted SRAM …