i am sorry for a mini vent but i got banned for trying to report rape cases in c/news they told me they banned me because of some agenda, THIS IS BS i was simply reporting cases in my state!
please stop mod abuse from spreading here!
I got banned from Reddit for, and I quote, “inciting violence or hate towards marginalized or vulnerable groups” for a comment calling out men in general for mostly allowing the 2020s to become the decade where men are represented by pieces of shit like Andrew Tate and Donald Trump without much resistance.
And the best part is it was a comment that I had made like a month before, but the suspension came right after making a popular post in Reddit’s feminism subreddit and getting more rewards than I’ve ever gotten. In order words it was clearly people who didn’t like what I said going through my profile and looking for things to mass report. Reddit doesn’t seem to care about people abusing that though.
So speaking out anywhere except where you’re just preaching to the choir can land you in trouble. I fully agree that not enough men have been calling out other men for shitty behaviour, following shitty ‘gurus’ and teaching their children and younger brothers in generation Z that rape ‘jokes’ are ok. And too many men that take huge personal offense to depressing stats and people describing their own bad experiences / abuse instead of being concerned about it and wanting things to change.
Just to circle back to Reddit. Never forget that Spez, current CEO of Reddit, was a moderator of the jailbait subreddit and that the only reason that Reddit has ever taken action against those kinds of subs is because they were getting negative media attention about them.
Edit: most of these platforms seem to be run by people that would be angry posting in incel forums in a parallel universe where they didn’t become rich and famous, so it’s an uphill battle now. We have to do the calling out in the real world, risking having to deal with monkey brain aggression. Social media isn’t on our side.
Okay, lets talk about perverts using progressive agendas as a smoke screen to silence anyone speaking out about their behaviours.
You want men to help solve things, you have to actually accept their help instead of handcuffing them for trying.
The fuck are you even talking about? Did you get hit in the head?
Talking about people like this abusing the system to prey upon others.
advocate for the “all-bodies swim” at a Langley township public pool. The proposed event was to be for ages 12 and up, with clothing above the waist optional, and with parents and caretakers prohibited.
I’m talking about the literal systematic rape of children in the UK which was defended by silencing anyone speaking about it as racist bigots.
Men have been speaking out, and far too many self proclaimed feminists have been falling over themselves to silence those men.