I wouldn’t call myself an AI enthusiast but I don’t see why people downvote this. Of course, some would probably say that it would be better for you to learn this instead but I think that’s a false dichotomy. There’s a third option: not doing it all because you don’t have the time or will or whatever. In that case if AI allowed you to create something useful and even gave you some fun in the process, I call it an absolute win.
I wouldn’t call myself an AI enthusiast but I don’t see why people downvote this. Of course, some would probably say that it would be better for you to learn this instead but I think that’s a false dichotomy. There’s a third option: not doing it all because you don’t have the time or will or whatever. In that case if AI allowed you to create something useful and even gave you some fun in the process, I call it an absolute win.
Am overall negative about AI.
Their post is on topic + not hostile/rude.
Downvoting because you disagree is not the way. It is also what a lot of people do anyways.