As an inexperienced user, I can tell you that Debian is way harder to use than most people think. Out of the box, the distro is pretty bare ones. I’m having a blast using an Arch based distro, but on Debian I had to do everything manually. Stable is freaking old and unstable has lots of limitations, Docker for example is a true pain.
Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, POP OS, are way better than Debian for users like me.
As an inexperienced user, I can tell you that Debian is way harder to use than most people think. Out of the box, the distro is pretty bare ones. I’m having a blast using an Arch based distro, but on Debian I had to do everything manually. Stable is freaking old and unstable has lots of limitations, Docker for example is a true pain.
Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, POP OS, are way better than Debian for users like me.
Red hat users would feel right at home, right?
Reading this, I wonder if we talk about the same Debian 😆
“I hate configuring Linux distros which is why I use arch btw”
Arch based, not the same thing. Crystal Linux bundles everything out of the box, so noobs like me don’t have to do anything.
I ll give you old but not at all unstable, wonder what instability have you found in LTS.
Pretty sure the whole statement is
I don’t think they’re saying Debian LTS is unstable.
Exactly what my bad wording meant to say. Thank you for your extraordinary reading comprehension.
A lot of people (incorrectly) equate “stable” with “bug-free”. So conversely, having bugs would be “unstable”.
I think he meant: Stable is freaking old. Unstable has a lot of limitations.
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RHEL costs $600 a year. Its users can cope with debian easily.