So, since the recent news of Proton, im kinda thinking to get over off it… my problem however is with simple login. Simple Login belongs to Proton and this service is such a incredibly peace of art for me. This would me allow to create alias for every software i use, and use too for my health care - specific alias create with simplelogin - and bank - same thing.

I create this method to separate things from my inbox and this help me to be prepare if some leak from dark web happens.

The main problem is that Simple Login belongs to Proton. I can switch email provider, and that is easy, but change all my alias now is incredibly a nightmare. Anyone have some suggestions on what to do now?

I remember see people/communitys self host Simple Login ( for example, like , or do but for other services they plan) and im totally fine to donate who do that. I just dont know what im doing now… and SimpleLogin is the one i find, for example, to create a alias for services like discord (for example, i remember discord dont accept anon addy domains).

Thank you in advance

  • abrahambelch
    1 month ago

    You don’t need to self-host, you can register an own domain and associate it with Simple Login. You would still need to re-create your aliases with the new domain but are free to change services any time onwards (assuming they allow you to bring your own domain as well).

    It all reads harder than it basically is, just try it out and if it doesn’t work for you, you can still use the default Simple Login domain instead :)

    Here’s the official documentation: