I mean, if you actually need an indicator, a shift light and a line of LEDs gets the job done better than a tach anyway, besides I’ve driven manuals that didn’t even have a tach from the factory, it used to be pretty common. I’m pretty sure they stick around now because they make the car feel more sporty.
About the only time I actually needed the tach specifically was… I actually legitimately can’t think of one, nearly everything is by sound/feel and the times I needed specifics, like when troubleshooting, I would use an obd tool / tuner to see the exact values and plot them.
I mean, if you actually need an indicator, a shift light and a line of LEDs gets the job done better than a tach anyway, besides I’ve driven manuals that didn’t even have a tach from the factory, it used to be pretty common. I’m pretty sure they stick around now because they make the car feel more sporty.
About the only time I actually needed the tach specifically was… I actually legitimately can’t think of one, nearly everything is by sound/feel and the times I needed specifics, like when troubleshooting, I would use an obd tool / tuner to see the exact values and plot them.
Nah man, if you see your tach wobble, you know you’ve got a carb jet issue, or dirty injectors.