That might even be true, but you know what names will be taken even less seriously? Titan Invictus and Industry Americus. 😂 Freaks creating freaks.
Invictus & Americus as standalone wouldn’t be the worst names, but Titan & Industry? For women? Those “names” sound rough as sandpaper. These people are so book-smart, and without friends/contacts to keep them in touch with reality, they’ve become kinda dumb & fallen prey to delusions of grandeur.
Wiki on this couple is an amusing, terrifying, and short read. I was wondering what they do for work, what their contribution to the world is. The answer…not much… “Venture capitalism”, so basically they’re money farmers investing money to make money. A necessary role, but not directly producing anything themselves. And tech MGMT, again, probably not directly producing many works but cracking the whip & supervising other people doing work. Color me not impressed.
They claim they’re not eugenicists, conflating eugenics with racism. Which simply isn’t true, what a stupid thing to say. They are eugenicists, they actively screen & sort embryos, pursuing the best results. That is eugenics, and there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. Very practical.
Both are the products of failed relationships, the man a classic failed marriage, the other a failed polyamorous marriage in Japan. They married after a proposal…over Reddit. Jesus Christ, am I on drugs? Is this real?
“Do you spank your kids?” “Oh, heavens no, how barbaric. Inspired by tigers in the wild, I slap my kids across the face. 😇” Lol!! Wth. 🙃 These kids will likely be mental trainwrecks (just like their parents) if they don’t straight-up commit suicide.
That might even be true, but you know what names will be taken even less seriously? Titan Invictus and Industry Americus. 😂 Freaks creating freaks.
Invictus & Americus as standalone wouldn’t be the worst names, but Titan & Industry? For women? Those “names” sound rough as sandpaper. These people are so book-smart, and without friends/contacts to keep them in touch with reality, they’ve become kinda dumb & fallen prey to delusions of grandeur.
Wiki on this couple is an amusing, terrifying, and short read. I was wondering what they do for work, what their contribution to the world is. The answer…not much… “Venture capitalism”, so basically they’re money farmers investing money to make money. A necessary role, but not directly producing anything themselves. And tech MGMT, again, probably not directly producing many works but cracking the whip & supervising other people doing work. Color me not impressed.
They claim they’re not eugenicists, conflating eugenics with racism. Which simply isn’t true, what a stupid thing to say. They are eugenicists, they actively screen & sort embryos, pursuing the best results. That is eugenics, and there’s nothing particularly wrong with that. Very practical.
Both are the products of failed relationships, the man a classic failed marriage, the other a failed polyamorous marriage in Japan. They married after a proposal…over Reddit. Jesus Christ, am I on drugs? Is this real?
“Do you spank your kids?” “Oh, heavens no, how barbaric. Inspired by tigers in the wild, I slap my kids across the face. 😇” Lol!! Wth. 🙃 These kids will likely be mental trainwrecks (just like their parents) if they don’t straight-up commit suicide.