A chat server running on powerful hardware collapsing when handling more than 100 events per second isn’t acceptable. Events scale up based on room activity from non-local users including spammers too. It’s an issue for a server with 12 users too.


Choosing to write the Matrix server software in Python in the first place was a huge mistake. It’s now far harder to develop and maintain the software. It heavily contributes to it being buggy and fragile. It’s the biggest factor in it being so incredibly slow and hard to scale.

  • akc3n@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Suggesting we use personal accounts for discussions like this overlooks the accountability we have to provide accurate and transparent feedback on issues directly impacting our infrastructure. Constructively critiquing software that affects the performance of hosting critical organizational chat rooms is not entitlement—it’s responsibility. These concerns are real and measurable, with tangible effects on user experience and scalability.

    This is based on firsthand experience hosting our own Matrix homeserver instance for our community space chat rooms using their software, not on tautological reasoning.