• Majorllama@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Do you people have any amount of self awareness?

    Do you legitimately believe that anything and everything the right has ever said or done has been wrong?

    Most people would say that Hitler was a terrible person (and they would be right), but even the evil as shit Hitler did some Good things in his life even if some people refuse to admit it.

    Hitler is credited with pulling Germany out of the post WW1 economic slump. One of the major contributors was his insistence on building the highway/Autobahn. It enabled Germany to expand faster and years before other European countries could catch up

    Him and the Nazis were among the first to recognize the health benefits with not smoking and he is credited with pushing Germans to quit smoking but especially pregnant women and kids.

    If you want a more recent example:

    During Trump’s first Term he made it easier to prosecute financial crimes. The main way he did this was by requiring businesses to report their true owners. No longer would they spend as much time and money digging through shell corporations to figure out who is truly responsible.

    If you want a less recent example:

    Nixon created the EPA.

    Not everything the left does is rainbows and perfection. Not everything the right does is evil and ruins the planet. You need to stop thinking in absolutes and recognize that things are more complicated.

    • DerGottesknecht@feddit.org
      1 month ago

      Please stop the shit with the Autobahn. Thats straight up Nazi propaganda.


      TLDR: -First Autobahn was built before Hitler by Adenauer. -Nazis decried it as jewish project. -Changed opinion and propagandad about 600.000 jobs. -Only 120.000 jobs were created and the conditions were really bad for the workers. Hunger, sickness, death. -Striking workers were put in the KZ.

      • Unemployment was resolved by the rearming before WWII
      • Majorllama@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        The irony of you telling me to stop posting Nazi propaganda and then linking an article with zero sources that many historians have already called out as just being a Nazi smear article not based in historical fact whatsoever.

        Not really the “gotcha” you were going for but you believe whatever you wanna believe I guess.

        • DerGottesknecht@feddit.org
          1 month ago

          What historians called this article nazi smear?

          This is really not contentious in Germany, there is a consensus amongst historians and the third reich is well researched. So I don’t know how you can close your eyes to the facts.

          If you want more sources with sources:


          Schulz, Eckhardt / Gruber, Erhard: Mythos Reichsautobahn. Bau und Inszenierung der “Straßen des Führers” 1933–1941, Berlin 1996.


          Kiran Klaus Patel: „Soldaten der Arbeit“. Arbeitsdienste in Deutschland und den USA 1933–1945. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht


          Now please edit your primary comment to not distribute nazi propaganda. Dankeschön.

          • Majorllama@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            My father is a historian. Has a degree in world history. Plus that article has been posted to several history forums over the last ~10+ish years as best I can tell and not once has it included sources or been taken seriously by any of the historians that read it.

            You’ve then linked a German website and a German Wikipedia page. I am not fluent in German so I can’t read them, but they are both German hosted so I suspect some modern German biases probably apply. It would behoove any and all Germans to forever distance themselves from Hitler whenever possible but I also see that extending past reality with people trying rewrite history such as yourself.

            Pre-Nazi Germany had something like ~15-20km of Autobahn built. Post-Nazi Germany had almost ~4000km of Autobahn. Stop trying to come at me with some “Nazi propaganda” bullshit. Those are both facts that you can independently verify if you want.

            It’s perfectly fine to despise the Nazis. I highly recommend it at all times. I DONT agree with trying to rewrite history because we don’t agree with the optics of it today.

            Have a good day teletubbyzurückwinker.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Him and the Nazis were among the first to recognize the health benefits with not smoking and he is credited with pushing Germans to quit smoking but especially pregnant women and kids.

      The hazards of smoking had been established as far back as the 17th century. One of America’s Founding Fathers - Benjamin Rush - was on record as a physician documenting and objecting to the proliferation of smoking.

      The Nazi cribbing of then-modern health trends against smoking was not a point in their favor. FFS, this was an organization that popularized the consumption of methamphetamines

      Nixon created the EPA.

      Congress authored the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), having modeled it after Senator James E. Murray’s Resources and Conservation Act (RCA) of 1959. Nixon organized the EPA under the powers afforded this law. He didn’t draft the legislation from whole cloth but cobbled it out as a compromise with far more eco-friendly Congressmen in an era when industrial pollution was at the worst point in human history.

      Even after that, his failures were far more notable than his successes. Nixon failed to curb the popularization of lead in gasoline and paint or asbestos as a building material, despite these substances been notoriously hazardous well before the EPA was formed. He presided over a surge in fossil fuel extraction and consumption, despite the threat of climate change having been established during his tenure.

      Even past that, Nixon was - fundamentally - a Liberal Republican. His social and economic views were in line with the liberal establishment of his era. His governance was in line with his predecessors, LBJ and Kennedy and Eisenhower. If he’d been born 50 years later, he’d be right at home in the administration of Gavin Newsom or Kathy Hochul.

      Your need to equivocate between left and right in this regard is extraordinarily naive and shortsighted.

    • socsa@piefed.social
      1 month ago

      You could have just said “what about all the good things Hitler did” if you wanted to out yourself like that.

        • socsa@piefed.social
          1 month ago

          Oh no I completely understood the point, which is why I chose that exact language.

          The history of humanity going back thousands of years is the history of progress triumphing over conservatism. Every single major historical epoch in recorded human history follows this trend. But Mussolini made the trains run on time so I guess we’re even.

          • Majorllama@lemmy.world
            1 month ago

            …do you think that in order for humanity to function we constantly need to be changing? You never think that maybe we level off at some point and settle into a groove where we leave shit alone for awhile?

            Have to considered that maybe we as a species require both to function? We need progress and then periods of stability before we get bored/restless and decided to take over the spice trade in our neighborhood?

            Light and dark. Yin and Yang.

            We need progressives to push for change and we need conservatives to pull the reigns back when we try and change too much too quickly and things start falling apart.

            My point this entire time was that good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. Humans are complicated. Our history is even more complicated. At no point has any side or group been “right” forever.

            • BrainInABox@lemmy.ml
              1 month ago

              Yeah you’re right: we need fascists to make sure we don’t give minorities too many rights, we need monarchists to make sure there’s not to much democracy, and we need anti abolishonists to make sure we don’t free to many slaves.