Played a game of Ark Nova with the wife yesterday since we had the day off. Really great game at 2p.
I’ve been playing Andromeda’s Edge this weekend, for the third time. It was the first time we had a flow of cascading actions, you could feel the engines going - and how the different starting races influenced the gameplay decisions. Felt good, and the score balance was pretty good, too. My fungal empire won by scoring over 100 points in the final counting, but the other players weren’t far behind. It’s not a casual family game that you can play with everyone but is not too crunchy either (for my taste). Will play again and consider to get a physical copy.
More Shadows of Brimstone! It’s great to have a regular group again.
Unconscious Mind, which was as interesting worker placement / engine builder but I’m not sure about its longevity.
Arcs, because we’re gonna dive into the campaign this weekend and we wanted to make sure everybody was comfortable with the base game. And hopefully they like the campaign more than they did the base game…