Regarding memory management, programming languages take different approaches to ensure your applications don’t crash and burn. Think of it as cleaning up after a party: C# hires a janitor (garbage collector) to tidy up for you while Rust hands you a checklist and says, “You’ve got this.” Both methods work, but they have their quirks. Let’s dive into how memory is handled in these two languages and what makes each approach unique.
I didn’t claim there wasn’t a real person behind this. Did you check the profile you linked? They “wrote” an article titled “I asked ChatGPT how to overcome Imposter Syndrome”. That already proves they use generative AI at least for some things. How do you explain the suspicious AI-like structure of the article?
It is my opinion that any “real” creator would not touch AI with a 10-foot pole, if just out of respect for fellow creators.
For developers, AI has become a part of the production line. It is quite simple: developer asks AI to generate a piece of code that creates a piece of code to communicate with Lemmy servers. Then the developer changes the code so it fits the application, using the knowledge they acquired during training, their work, etc.
If you can’t handle that, then better not use any of the new software releases anymore, because 90% has some code in there that was touched by AI.
Quill report: 0% of text is likely AI Human-written 100%