Indeed the IRS website blocks Tor users from accessing tax information, as if tor users don’t need tax information. Important legal guidance exists on, so it’s obviously an injustice to block people from becoming informed about their rights and obligations.
What’s the fix? Would it be effective to make a FOIA request on paper so the IRS must send the info on paper via USPS? Or would that require compensation to offset their burden?
You have to go out of your way to have your access reduced. There are endless ways to achieve that and tor is just one of them. Besides the sigint opportunities on tor aren’t as minimal as you want them to be. Also, you’re connecting to the site and acting in behalf of yourself. I’m at a loss why this should rank at all in the context of a tidal wave of measurable abuses.
That would only be true of someone without a Tor setup to begin with. Some of us have Tor baked into our scripts and apps to the extent that using clearnet is going out of our way.
They all have benefits and drawbacks, some cost money, some entail more effort, etc.
It serves the purpose for the case at hand.
Only if you login, which is often not the case for
Read the sidebar. It’s a service that is essential and intended for the whole pulblic. As the digital transformation forces people do perform transactions with public agencies, those agencies are progressively removing offline options. Exclusivity is trending as a consequence. Essential public services should be inclusive and open to all.