The most fascinating thing about Trump’s presidency is how he’s not willing to make excuses like Democrats and Democratic voters. (Who, inexplicably, pretend the presidency is powerless when a Dem is in charge.)
He’ll blow up the whole order and just dare the opposition to stop him.
It’s a bummer that we can’t get a justice-minded person with that kind of zeal.
The most fascinating thing about Trump’s presidency is how he’s not willing to make excuses like Democrats and Democratic voters. (Who, inexplicably, pretend the presidency is powerless when a Dem is in charge.)
He’ll blow up the whole order and just dare the opposition to stop him.
It’s a bummer that we can’t get a justice-minded person with that kind of zeal.
I was concerned about tech and wall street influence on the Democratic party long before dump et al, for the very reason you’re talking about.
Milquetoast is the best corporations can ever do or offer.