I didn’t mean for this post to cause a bunch of arguing in the comments =(
I thought this was just some gallows humor (e.g. “Everything’s lovely except that I have to fear for my safety all the time”) type of shitpost that sounded similar to comments I’ve heard from women irl a lot.
Unintentional deaths https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/accidental-injury.htm
Homicide statistics https://www.statista.com/statistics/1388777/murder-victims-in-the-us-by-gender/
I dont understand why people are so offended by my comment. Why blame a whole demographic by something committed by 0.02% of them? Why are so people so intent on such blame? It accomplishes less than nothing, it just antagonizes the group you are attempting to reach.
Personally I wasn’t offended at all. There’s just so many people throwing numbers around and I’d like to know where they get them from before I make my own judgement if spread that info elsewhere.
Because it happens enough to be a problem. Mexicans are also more likely to die from any of those things than from cartel violence so I guess cartels are not a problem? I’m gonna assume you suck at statistics, because the alternative is that you’re sexist.
Wait so how much crime is the limit for it to be ok to use to fearmonger against an entire demographic? If men are let’s say 13% of the population and commit let’s say 52% of all crimes, is that enough in your estimation to say men are dangerous or a problem or whatever?
Ah, there’s the racist dog whistle. Fuck off.
Oh so you can see how it’s racist when applied to race but still think it’s ok when just applied to “men?” Why do you think you’re better than the racists I’m equating you to? You’re not, you’re the same.
I’ll just refer you to this other comment I made.
Sure pal, whatever you need to do to justify to yourself your generalizing based on demographics and othering people based on a small subset of a group’s actions. You’re definitely better than the other people that do that to different groups.
*Jerk off hand motion and heavy eye roll.*