Pinging those that were here before.

Discussion questions:

What video games have you played recently?

What are your favorite video game genres?

Question of the week:

What are you most looking forward to in the rest of 2025 in terms of gaming?


Are you excited for the Nintendo Switch 2? Why or why not?

  • 矛⋅盾
    1 month ago

    Revisited Planet Crafter recently, love it. However, once I take a break from it, I can’t really get back in, because I have to acclimate to that style of uh, camera control? I really easily get dizzy/disoriented with similar 1st person POV games, not sure why but having your character model on screen has always reduced or eliminated that effect on me. I guess that’s my one gripe, I really wish Planet Crafter (or even Subnautica, another big fav of mine but can’t replay it much for same disorientation reasons) had a third-person player model, even as an option.

    Anyway, been on a break from video games since then, aside from occasional “social hours” dota. Looking forward to any more news from The Bustling World, hopefully we’ll be able to play it this year? fingers crossed

    edit: don’t really pay attention to console games unless interested enough to look into emulators, hehe. sorry switch