Yesterday I was reading the post about the FUTO keyboard where there were a lot of messages deleted by moderators.
I’ve commented there

What the heck happened with all the messages deleted by moderator?

And it got deleted. Right now you can only see 4, but I’ve counted 19 messages moderated and the post has been locked. Why?
I’ve had a look ad the modlog and the messages don’t seems to violate any policy (now they’ve removed them in the modlog too).

I’m pinging here admin and the mods of the open source community where the post was posted so they can have their say about it and clarify the situation to me.
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

If I’m getting something wrong, please let me know, I’m here to discus and understand if I’m getting something wrong or if something went wrong in the moderation. Thanks!

Down here you can see the deleted comments.

P.s. I’m writing here because I think that this post on wouldn’t last long.

  • Captain
    1 month ago

    Thank you for standing up for the free software definition. As someone who has been heavily critical of fauxpen source licenses including FUTO it’s refreshing to see moderators taking a stance against it.

    The main concern I have with this attempt (by FUTO and other organizations trying to “fix” open source) is that watering down the open source and free software definitions causes damage to the community/movement. Whether the FUTO EULA or any other proprietary license is “good enough” for an individual user is not the question (and I have even seen people argue in favor of fully-proprietary blob software on the basis of being “privacy friendly”); real free software disadvantages rightsholders in favor of users and communities, which is important in case those rightsholders go defunct or rogue.

    I try to assume good faith as well but I am seriously considering the idea that FUTO is astroturfing free software spaces to promote its version of open source. Despite publicly backing down on their openwashing attempt Eron Wolf-in-sheeps-clothing seems very determined that open source is broken and needs fixing.